Saturday, September 28, 2013

The World Needs Peace

The worls needs Peace - we all know that
But how to do it, it's been said
Too many times without avail
Too few can really do it well!
People, is simple, is not hard!
And it sure is right at your hand
Just BE it! Peace is right
within you - bring it to the light!
The only thing we need to fight
Is our Ego, then we might
Become the beings that the God
Meant us to be!
I know, is hard,
But easy too, the aim of all
is to BE Peace!
The is a toll
We have to pay - but that is vain
What people say of us - their pain!
'Cause anyone who doesn't know
Who really is, their vibe is low
We have to be above our mind
Mind is a tool - like any kind!
We are not mind or brain or thinking
All those can get us only sinking
Instead of raising all above
And making Earth a place of love!

And now a song that expresses like no other all this philosophy:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

About Thoughts

This life is simple. But ain't made
Like you would say, of good and bad.
It's all about the way you want 
To see things... and that makes you daunt!
We will become the thing we think
about the most, and in a blink
We will attract all that we have
On our minds, how we behave
Will lead our lives, because what is
On the inside, just like a wiz
Will manifest outside as well
That is the Law, is not a spell!
If we can  see it in our mind
We sure can have it in our life
As long as we don't start to doubt
And worry, or let others flout
Our dreams and wishes - it is best
To keep it for ourselves, and rest
Assured that we are able to
Do what we want, we can get through!
The thoughts have frequencies, like all
The things - and that we call
Vibrating energy, which might
Attract the things that are alike!
If you may want to change some facts
Change frequency, and that attracts
The thing you think of, but be smart:
Don't say "I don't want"! that's the part
You have to pay attention to 
To always think what's good for you
Not what is bad and you don't want
Cause you will get way more of that!
Whatever you are thinking of
Creates your life, so think with love!

 It was a revelation to me, reading Rhonda Byrne's books and learning about the power of thoughts... It also got me kind of puzzled, because so far, I thought that when I wanted something to come out right I would have to image the worst... and it kind of worked for me at that time. But after I gave it some thought, I understood why it was workin for me. I knew that saying: "hope for the best, but expect the worst". And that is what I was applying. This is precisely what they mean with all this teaching about the vibrations of thoughts and all that. At the first sight, people would say "okay, if I imagine something and I want it really bad, it should happen to me. But why doesn't it????" Cause if you only do that, it most likely won't happen! Because the trick is to hope for the best, but to BE PREPARED for the worst! I mean, to be okay with whatever happens, to be at peace, to not be desperate about it happening! I found that concept somewhere else too, I think it was in Wayne Dyer's books, that as long as you WANT something but do not NEED it, you will get it! The worse thing you can do is to ATTACH yourself onto something, no matter what that would be. Cause then the chances are big for you to loose that thing or to not even get it, to start with! 
Even if I was imagining the worst outcome of a situation, or maybe even because of that, I was kind of getting myself used to the things not going the good way, so I was de-attaching myself of the good outcome, if that makes sense. But also, I would never say anything bad, everyone that knows me knows that I used to be the most positive person and always saying "this will work/ we'll make it/ I will have that" and so on. But by thinking that it actually may not happen, I wasn't getting desperate about a certain thing to happen, so basically I was hoping for the best but getting ready for the worst. And as I was at peace inside, the vibration was good, I guess, so I was getting the best! 
Now, as soon as certain people (won't mention who, as its irrelevant, is not even their fault) started to tell me that I am being unrealistic with all my positive talking and always looking so self-assured, everything changed! It made me stop talking only positive things and being confident, because I didn't want them to say that I am being unrealistic and all that stuff about me, so the good outcomes stopped showing :( I know I am the only one that is guilty for letting them do that to me, but I had no idea about all this vibration stuff so I thought they may be right. It killed all my magic! lol
Now, so you know, it does help to visualise good things happening, and good outcomes for your wishes and goals, but only if you are at peace with the fact that things may possibly not work out so good. Or, if we see it from the religious point of view, we should trust God completely, and not even doubt for a second that he will help us, even if the odds show that what we want might not happen. We have to be sure that in any case, God will do what is best for us, even if for the moment it seems bad. There is always something good in any apparently bad situation and sooner or later we may realise that. But that is hard to do, I know it, to just pray and be 100% sure it will happen. I, myself, can't do that (I am working on it, because,, obviously it does work), so for me, speaking positive and being calm and open to anything, and imagining the worse case, without getting scared or being desperate, does help. Seeing myself finding ways out of any bad situation that might arise, and being prepared, does help, not venting and speaking out loud words like "what if..". 
That's why they say that when you want something, yo uhave to concentrate on thinking positively, because if you say "I want a new car"... might bring you a new car, but if you say "I hate the car I own" will let you have the car you own for a very long time still! lol. The law of attraction doesn't read other words than the object of your thinking. The thing you are concentrating on, that is what you will attract, wether it is the good one or the bad one for you :) So either only think positive thoughts, either let the negative ones not get much attention, just let them be, and they will pass!
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