Thursday, March 21, 2013

About Thoughts

This life is simple. But ain't made
Like you would say, of good and bad.
It's all about the way you want 
To see things... and that makes you daunt!
We will become the thing we think
about the most, and in a blink
We will attract all that we have
On our minds, how we behave
Will lead our lives, because what is
On the inside, just like a wiz
Will manifest outside as well
That is the Law, is not a spell!
If we can  see it in our mind
We sure can have it in our life
As long as we don't start to doubt
And worry, or let others flout
Our dreams and wishes - it is best
To keep it for ourselves, and rest
Assured that we are able to
Do what we want, we can get through!
The thoughts have frequencies, like all
The things - and that we call
Vibrating energy, which might
Attract the things that are alike!
If you may want to change some facts
Change frequency, and that attracts
The thing you think of, but be smart:
Don't say "I don't want"! that's the part
You have to pay attention to 
To always think what's good for you
Not what is bad and you don't want
Cause you will get way more of that!
Whatever you are thinking of
Creates your life, so think with love!

 It was a revelation to me, reading Rhonda Byrne's books and learning about the power of thoughts... It also got me kind of puzzled, because so far, I thought that when I wanted something to come out right I would have to image the worst... and it kind of worked for me at that time. But after I gave it some thought, I understood why it was workin for me. I knew that saying: "hope for the best, but expect the worst". And that is what I was applying. This is precisely what they mean with all this teaching about the vibrations of thoughts and all that. At the first sight, people would say "okay, if I imagine something and I want it really bad, it should happen to me. But why doesn't it????" Cause if you only do that, it most likely won't happen! Because the trick is to hope for the best, but to BE PREPARED for the worst! I mean, to be okay with whatever happens, to be at peace, to not be desperate about it happening! I found that concept somewhere else too, I think it was in Wayne Dyer's books, that as long as you WANT something but do not NEED it, you will get it! The worse thing you can do is to ATTACH yourself onto something, no matter what that would be. Cause then the chances are big for you to loose that thing or to not even get it, to start with! 
Even if I was imagining the worst outcome of a situation, or maybe even because of that, I was kind of getting myself used to the things not going the good way, so I was de-attaching myself of the good outcome, if that makes sense. But also, I would never say anything bad, everyone that knows me knows that I used to be the most positive person and always saying "this will work/ we'll make it/ I will have that" and so on. But by thinking that it actually may not happen, I wasn't getting desperate about a certain thing to happen, so basically I was hoping for the best but getting ready for the worst. And as I was at peace inside, the vibration was good, I guess, so I was getting the best! 
Now, as soon as certain people (won't mention who, as its irrelevant, is not even their fault) started to tell me that I am being unrealistic with all my positive talking and always looking so self-assured, everything changed! It made me stop talking only positive things and being confident, because I didn't want them to say that I am being unrealistic and all that stuff about me, so the good outcomes stopped showing :( I know I am the only one that is guilty for letting them do that to me, but I had no idea about all this vibration stuff so I thought they may be right. It killed all my magic! lol
Now, so you know, it does help to visualise good things happening, and good outcomes for your wishes and goals, but only if you are at peace with the fact that things may possibly not work out so good. Or, if we see it from the religious point of view, we should trust God completely, and not even doubt for a second that he will help us, even if the odds show that what we want might not happen. We have to be sure that in any case, God will do what is best for us, even if for the moment it seems bad. There is always something good in any apparently bad situation and sooner or later we may realise that. But that is hard to do, I know it, to just pray and be 100% sure it will happen. I, myself, can't do that (I am working on it, because,, obviously it does work), so for me, speaking positive and being calm and open to anything, and imagining the worse case, without getting scared or being desperate, does help. Seeing myself finding ways out of any bad situation that might arise, and being prepared, does help, not venting and speaking out loud words like "what if..". 
That's why they say that when you want something, yo uhave to concentrate on thinking positively, because if you say "I want a new car"... might bring you a new car, but if you say "I hate the car I own" will let you have the car you own for a very long time still! lol. The law of attraction doesn't read other words than the object of your thinking. The thing you are concentrating on, that is what you will attract, wether it is the good one or the bad one for you :) So either only think positive thoughts, either let the negative ones not get much attention, just let them be, and they will pass!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Present Is All We Have

The present moment's all we own
All that we need to us is shown
Right here, right now, it's all a gift
For us to find a way to shift
Our lives from future and from past
Back to the present, and at last
We'll find the peace we're craving for
'Cause now there is no need for war.
If we accept whatever is
And stay in peace and mind our biz
Miracles happen, and we'll be
Joyful and peaceful, 'cause, you see - 
When you don't let your ego-mind
Wander like crazy, get you blind
You start to see the real world
That is all made by our God
With purpose only, nothing's vain
Nothing's for nothing, but your brain,
When you don't order it to stop,
Will try to make you think it's crap!
You have to only use your mind
To help you do things that are kind
For you and for whoever else
Don't let it turn you to a mess!
So, breathe right now, deep, long and good
Just think of breathing, and you should
Feel how your mind is getting mute
Just meditate, get back to root
To present moment, to your soul
Feel peace inside you, you are whole
The way you are RIGHT NOW - no need
For nothing else, you are indeed
A miracle and God-like thing
You're made of energy, you sing
A perfect song, just don't destroy
Your holly spirit and your joy
With noise from ego, from the time
Past, future - nothing makes you rhyme
More than THIS moment, so just feel
Your inner energy, your thrill
In every little  thing you do
Breathe, feel your body, just feel YOU!
Each time you let your thinking drift
Away from here, the joy is missed!!

I think this is a fabulous thing, knowing about this "magic trick", as I like to call it. I am so thankful to Eckhart Tolle for that! I have been living a big part of my life being tormented by thinking... forward and backward, to present and to past, identifying myself with both. And that caused me so much suffering, because when you see yourself as being defined by the past experiences, automatically you get frightened by the future ones. The irony of this is that we can't control any of them! The past is dead and gone, the future is uncertain... so why do we bother? I think it's simply because we are crazy... 
When we concentrate on the present moment and only live in the present (of course, you can make a list of the "to do" things, set your alarms to go off when things need done, lol, otherwise you'll get in trouble...but just do not think of those things too much!). Trust God (who is in you, by the way, as in everything else) that will give you the best inspirations and the best "hints" as to what's to be done for your higher good. And He will, because He always does, only that you can't hear Him because of the horrible noise made by your mind, powered by the Ego. There is no heaven and no hell, the "heaven" that the Bible refers to is the peace inside you, and the "hell" is the torment and the suffering cause by the devil, who is your Ego. Jesus tried to make us see that in many of his teachings, only that people didn't manage to understand, especially because of their egos. The devil doesn't want us to feel good, does he! 
For a long time I had the wrong idea as to what "meditation" is.. I thought it was sitting and thinking long and hard about something. But hell, NO! Meditation is precisely thinking about NOTHING! Not thinking. Giving your mind a break, allowing it to get cleaned of the bad vibrations generated by it with so much thinking about present and future. The mind is a magnificent tool but we have to learn how to use it, and to learn how to not let ourselves be used by it. It's simple, if a thought makes you suffer, means you drifted either to the past, or to the future. Get back in the present. There are no problems right in THIS moment, are they? They only arise when we drift back or forth.
Here's a few techniques to help you stay in the present:
- become consciuos of your breathing, feel how the air is getting in and going out of your lungs, pay attention to this process for a few moments and your mind will calm down. It is recommended to do this as often as you can! (for me finding this out was vital as I was practically getting ill because every time I rush or am stressed, my breathing becomes very fast and shallow and it's like all the air gets stuck somewhere... )
Good breathing has a great power of healing and energy harmonising.
- another thing you can do is shift your attention every day, in any activity that you do or even when you are listening to someone, when you are watching something, to the sensations inside of your body, feel the energy in your hands, in your legs, in your chest, untill you manage to feel your whole inner body as pure energy
- allow every feeling to exist, don't deny any way that you may be feeling, just let the feelings be, try to be the conscious that is witnessing those feelings, because you, as conscience, are way way more than just a body, a mind, some feelings...
This is what meditation is about...of course, is best when you can be alone and do all this, and able to completely relax, but you can very well do it in your everyday life, and the more you practice it, the easier will be for you to do it, and you will see how everything will get so much more serene, at least :) I am at the "serene" stage, they say miracles will happen, but I can't tell you they will, as I didn't get too good at staying in the present moment all the time, so I am not there yet :) But I sure feel alot better than I used to, maybe even that is a miracle :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Comparing yourself to others

I know you've learned you should compare
Yourself to others, and you swear
That many can do better than
You ever could, and made a plan
To try and fight and beat them all
But deep inside you're insecure
And think you're worthless and no good
And so you stop to hope you could
Get what will make you feel
Complete and happy, and you still
Try hard to fit in with the crowd
And that can never make you proud
But listen here, you are just one
There's no more "you"'s, you are a sun
You have to know you are on Earth
With one great purpose, from your birth!
And all the things you do or say
Are perfect in a higher way
God made you do all that for you
And for the others, so be true
To what you feel inside your soul
Do what it makes you feel like whole
Relax and never think you're less
Than any other human, bless
All things and people and enjoy
The good in life, do not destroy
The purpose that you have, you know
It may not be fame, fortune, show...
You might just be a simple guy
You shouldn't bitch and start to cry
Be sure that you are perfect just
The way you are, and that you must
Be thankful, joyful, and to try
To do your best to feel alive
The real you is just the same
As everything, it's just a game
Of forms and roles here on the Earth
And everyone has unique worth!

This has been one of the main problems in my life so far... competition, comparison to others, fighting, thinking that I was worth only as much as the things I was doing were worth, by comparison to what others were doing. Or even worse and tougher, to what I did myself in the past! It was easier to do better than many but though to do better than myself when younger and with more energy.
So, for me it was like major relief when I read all the teachings about conscience and that we really are not our ego neither our actions, form, whatever, but we are way more than that, and the best thing, we are all the same inside! We are all made of the same thing, the same thing that the whole Universe is made, behind form. So, when you see things from this point of view, any comparison becomes really useless and even funny. Comparing only the things that wont last... what's the use to that nonsense? Is pure wasted energy. We are all the same only with different missions (Karma), that have been given to us so we can evolve and get closer to perfection. It's silly to compare, noone is better than anyone, or worse, for that matter. We all have the same immortal matter in us, and the rest is going to vanish anyways, it's just a dream, you may say, a role. Comparing ourselves would be like saying about an actor that has played the bad guy in a movie that is a mean person, when he was only playing a role, of a mean person.
I hope I made some sense with this one :)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


This topic is a bit of tricky
'Cause people think that money's sticky
And who is full of them, you see
Those should be hated 'cause they're free
Of any worry, any stress
But also, anyone would guess
The ones that have alot are bad
And poor ones - good
And that is sad!
'Cause money, as any of things
They are from God to us, they're gifts!
And so, they should be well received
And used with wisdom, not with greed!
Money ain't bad, bad is the way
Some use it, always and today!
In fact the money isn't but
A mean of change, to give and get
And anytime I give away
To life, it all comes back my way!
You never should think thoughts of debt
Of guilt, or something about lack!
The money, just as any thing
Comes where it's wanted without need
As long you think you have enough
But love the money, it ain't tough!
They'll come your way, accept them though
Do not feel bad when you get more!
Remember, they are just a mean
And not a purpose, so stay clean!
They have to bring you things you love
And peace of mind, but be proud of
The fact that you can also give
Help others, share, so, you'll receive!

Hmmm the money...indeed a triky topic. I used to be really poor when I was growin up, actually, now that I am looking back, my life has been an ups and downs road in regards to money. When I was very little my parents did have quite enough money, but it was the communist regimen in our country, so even with money, there was not much you could buy. After the communists were kicked out, my father, like many of the people in that time, tried to make his own business, leaving his job and trying on his own. For a while we had even more money but then he ... failed. So he went bankrupt and we became quite poor. So I had to work since I was 16, giving private English lessons and doing translations and such, because I was not the type to be oky with no money! That is the time when I met the guy that is my hubby now, and I remember that for quite a long time we were very poor but very happy... so the happiness definitely does not depend on money, buuuut... you HAVE to be inlove! lol Otherwise it does depend!
At 22 I started my own business, and for quite a long time we had lots of money but I was basically workin my ass off so I didn't even get to take too much advantage of that money... also, they didn't bring me much happiness because in my frenzy of feeling high and powerful to make everyone feel good, I kept giving away and always saying "is okay, I will buy that for you" untill people became very annoyed and envious on me :( That was a shock for me but that is not the topic of this post.
After I became pregnant and had my baby, again, I could not work as much anymore (if at all) and also, I did not WANT to work anymore as I had gotten very fed up with my business, so we became quite poor again!
These things are not that important, but I am mentioning them because there is a pattern here... ups and downs, means something is not working right in my way of thinking and of seeing money!! And is true. I never really liked money, and that is okay, you can not like money per se, but you have to always say "thank you" for them and also, you have to never SAY that you don't like money! I was doing the right things otherwise, always giving away and being happy for the things I could buy to myself and to others but... the fact that I kept saying "I hate money, I don't like money" and so on, and not even wanting to have much to do with money, letting my husband handle them all and keeping them and paying for everything, made me/us loose them! I lost the ability of making them! For the moment, thankfully, because now, after I've read all these books and figured out which my mistake was, I am slowly getting back to where I was, financially. Only that the stupidity in my head caused debt that I have to pay now... oh well.
So, never ask why you don't have enough money, if you:
1. don't know how to receive money and be thankful and SAY "thank you" for them
2. talk bad about money and see them as dirty or as something you don't particulary like
3. don't share your money, that meaning, giving some of them each time you receive some (the babilonians were having a rule, as to give each 10% of any money they had, and they were the richest of civilisations in their time!).
4. hate people that have money, instead of being happy for them. I know, I know, that is very hard to do, but trust me, you HAVE to do it, and you have to do it sincerely, because after all, we are all one, in conscience, so... means that if they have, you have too! If not yet manifested in your life, your happiness and lack of hate will bring them to you!
Money are, like everything in this world, like every good thing, actually, a gift from God, and you have to receive them and thank for them and share them and love them and have a completely positive attitude in regards to them! Even if you have to pay debts or taxes, you have to stop complaining but just be happy and thankfyul that you HAVE the money to pay! And only that thought will put you on a higher frequency and will help you get more money, to pay for whatever you need!
It does not matter at all wether you are working your ass off, if you don't follow these rules, you will never have lots of money!
Also, it helps to always keep some money in your pocket/purse/wallet, and if you spend them, to make sure you put them back there when you get more, because knowing that you actually HAVE money with you, will also attract more to you! Knowing that if you would want to, you could buy anything, it just works wonders! I always try to do that when I go out, and trust me, it doesn't mean that I spend more, because some say "allright now that you have money you are gonna spend them, if you don't have, you can't spend" but NOPE! It doesn't work like that! When I have them in my pocket, I tend to be way more relaxed and picky and it's way less likely for me to spend that money or to get in a bad mood, than when I wouldn't have any... cause then I would start craving for things that I don't need, and I would go home and grab money and come back to buy, or even worse, I would borrow from someone!! Or even worse, I would get in the worst mood complainig that I need this and that and I don't have money to buy it - therefore getting the loest vibrational thoughts! It's like going into a food store with an empty stomach! You start eating even things that are not good for you, only because you see them and you are hungry! When you have eaten before goin out (have enough money in your pocket) then you can pick only what is good for you and take them home to cook or put them in your fridge!
Allright, I have been rambling enough on this topic, but it's because it is something that I know well about!
Good luck and lots of money to everyone!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


 Forgive! And see the world with love
'Cause all is mastered from above
It's all God's plan, and for us all
We must make peace within our soul.
With all that was and that will be
Trust what you feel, your way must be
The one that you will walk upon
Even if sometimes you feel down
Or blocked, and nothing seems to work
The way you want, or you're berserk
It is all good, and everything
A higher good to you will bring.
Sometimes space's needed for the things
To just arrange themselves, your wings
To grow, they need some time
Breathe and the mountains you will climb!
Forgiving sets you free of pain
And frees the others too, from chain
Start with forgiving of yourself
What's bad in past, you should forget
For everyone, life will provide
The things they think of, they can't hide!
For that, you see, is useless to
Punish someone, you get the clue!
Forgiveness heals, so let go of
The pain inside and feel just love!
Like that the better things out there
Will come your way and lead you where
You need to be, in love and peace
And all the fight and hate will cease!

It was a big revelation to me when I read about forgiveness, in Louise Hay's books. I kind of knew that it was good to forgive and forget, because that I had been told in the Religion classes and  in the prayers that I had been taught, but, what I did not know, what didn't even have a clue about, was the fact that the first person to start with, must be YOU!! If you don't do that, it is useless to even try to forgive or love others unconditionally, it! I realised how much suffering was producing in my own life the fact that I was not forgiving and accepting my own self. Actually I can very well say that this was the major cause of all my problems! I was not forgiving or accepting myself as I was! Once I started working on that, I was able to forgive all the others that I thought they did bad things to me, with or without their knowledge (that is less important). I must say that forgiving and accepting yourself the way you are can be quite hard, and you will have to keep working on it for a while (I still am) but is sooo worth it, trust me. It's incredible how many things will change to good, in your life, when you do that! Keeping bad feelings of blame and fear and guilt and other feelings of the kind, inside you, is like drinking poison every day and wondering why you are having stomach aches! Or why are you going insane. All that bargain is useless, actually the word "useless" is not describing it well, it is POISON for us! Let it all go, set yourself free, you are way more than the image that you or others have, about you. Way more! 
Besides, the people that did bad things to you without knowing, are not to be blamed too much, and the ones that did it with their knowing...well those are going to get hit by karma anyways! hehe! So let them be and be sure they will get it back to them, sooner or later, unless they ask for forgiveness.
Peace and wisdom to all!
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