Sunday, March 3, 2013


 Forgive! And see the world with love
'Cause all is mastered from above
It's all God's plan, and for us all
We must make peace within our soul.
With all that was and that will be
Trust what you feel, your way must be
The one that you will walk upon
Even if sometimes you feel down
Or blocked, and nothing seems to work
The way you want, or you're berserk
It is all good, and everything
A higher good to you will bring.
Sometimes space's needed for the things
To just arrange themselves, your wings
To grow, they need some time
Breathe and the mountains you will climb!
Forgiving sets you free of pain
And frees the others too, from chain
Start with forgiving of yourself
What's bad in past, you should forget
For everyone, life will provide
The things they think of, they can't hide!
For that, you see, is useless to
Punish someone, you get the clue!
Forgiveness heals, so let go of
The pain inside and feel just love!
Like that the better things out there
Will come your way and lead you where
You need to be, in love and peace
And all the fight and hate will cease!

It was a big revelation to me when I read about forgiveness, in Louise Hay's books. I kind of knew that it was good to forgive and forget, because that I had been told in the Religion classes and  in the prayers that I had been taught, but, what I did not know, what didn't even have a clue about, was the fact that the first person to start with, must be YOU!! If you don't do that, it is useless to even try to forgive or love others unconditionally, it! I realised how much suffering was producing in my own life the fact that I was not forgiving and accepting my own self. Actually I can very well say that this was the major cause of all my problems! I was not forgiving or accepting myself as I was! Once I started working on that, I was able to forgive all the others that I thought they did bad things to me, with or without their knowledge (that is less important). I must say that forgiving and accepting yourself the way you are can be quite hard, and you will have to keep working on it for a while (I still am) but is sooo worth it, trust me. It's incredible how many things will change to good, in your life, when you do that! Keeping bad feelings of blame and fear and guilt and other feelings of the kind, inside you, is like drinking poison every day and wondering why you are having stomach aches! Or why are you going insane. All that bargain is useless, actually the word "useless" is not describing it well, it is POISON for us! Let it all go, set yourself free, you are way more than the image that you or others have, about you. Way more! 
Besides, the people that did bad things to you without knowing, are not to be blamed too much, and the ones that did it with their knowing...well those are going to get hit by karma anyways! hehe! So let them be and be sure they will get it back to them, sooner or later, unless they ask for forgiveness.
Peace and wisdom to all!

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