Wednesday, March 6, 2013


This topic is a bit of tricky
'Cause people think that money's sticky
And who is full of them, you see
Those should be hated 'cause they're free
Of any worry, any stress
But also, anyone would guess
The ones that have alot are bad
And poor ones - good
And that is sad!
'Cause money, as any of things
They are from God to us, they're gifts!
And so, they should be well received
And used with wisdom, not with greed!
Money ain't bad, bad is the way
Some use it, always and today!
In fact the money isn't but
A mean of change, to give and get
And anytime I give away
To life, it all comes back my way!
You never should think thoughts of debt
Of guilt, or something about lack!
The money, just as any thing
Comes where it's wanted without need
As long you think you have enough
But love the money, it ain't tough!
They'll come your way, accept them though
Do not feel bad when you get more!
Remember, they are just a mean
And not a purpose, so stay clean!
They have to bring you things you love
And peace of mind, but be proud of
The fact that you can also give
Help others, share, so, you'll receive!

Hmmm the money...indeed a triky topic. I used to be really poor when I was growin up, actually, now that I am looking back, my life has been an ups and downs road in regards to money. When I was very little my parents did have quite enough money, but it was the communist regimen in our country, so even with money, there was not much you could buy. After the communists were kicked out, my father, like many of the people in that time, tried to make his own business, leaving his job and trying on his own. For a while we had even more money but then he ... failed. So he went bankrupt and we became quite poor. So I had to work since I was 16, giving private English lessons and doing translations and such, because I was not the type to be oky with no money! That is the time when I met the guy that is my hubby now, and I remember that for quite a long time we were very poor but very happy... so the happiness definitely does not depend on money, buuuut... you HAVE to be inlove! lol Otherwise it does depend!
At 22 I started my own business, and for quite a long time we had lots of money but I was basically workin my ass off so I didn't even get to take too much advantage of that money... also, they didn't bring me much happiness because in my frenzy of feeling high and powerful to make everyone feel good, I kept giving away and always saying "is okay, I will buy that for you" untill people became very annoyed and envious on me :( That was a shock for me but that is not the topic of this post.
After I became pregnant and had my baby, again, I could not work as much anymore (if at all) and also, I did not WANT to work anymore as I had gotten very fed up with my business, so we became quite poor again!
These things are not that important, but I am mentioning them because there is a pattern here... ups and downs, means something is not working right in my way of thinking and of seeing money!! And is true. I never really liked money, and that is okay, you can not like money per se, but you have to always say "thank you" for them and also, you have to never SAY that you don't like money! I was doing the right things otherwise, always giving away and being happy for the things I could buy to myself and to others but... the fact that I kept saying "I hate money, I don't like money" and so on, and not even wanting to have much to do with money, letting my husband handle them all and keeping them and paying for everything, made me/us loose them! I lost the ability of making them! For the moment, thankfully, because now, after I've read all these books and figured out which my mistake was, I am slowly getting back to where I was, financially. Only that the stupidity in my head caused debt that I have to pay now... oh well.
So, never ask why you don't have enough money, if you:
1. don't know how to receive money and be thankful and SAY "thank you" for them
2. talk bad about money and see them as dirty or as something you don't particulary like
3. don't share your money, that meaning, giving some of them each time you receive some (the babilonians were having a rule, as to give each 10% of any money they had, and they were the richest of civilisations in their time!).
4. hate people that have money, instead of being happy for them. I know, I know, that is very hard to do, but trust me, you HAVE to do it, and you have to do it sincerely, because after all, we are all one, in conscience, so... means that if they have, you have too! If not yet manifested in your life, your happiness and lack of hate will bring them to you!
Money are, like everything in this world, like every good thing, actually, a gift from God, and you have to receive them and thank for them and share them and love them and have a completely positive attitude in regards to them! Even if you have to pay debts or taxes, you have to stop complaining but just be happy and thankfyul that you HAVE the money to pay! And only that thought will put you on a higher frequency and will help you get more money, to pay for whatever you need!
It does not matter at all wether you are working your ass off, if you don't follow these rules, you will never have lots of money!
Also, it helps to always keep some money in your pocket/purse/wallet, and if you spend them, to make sure you put them back there when you get more, because knowing that you actually HAVE money with you, will also attract more to you! Knowing that if you would want to, you could buy anything, it just works wonders! I always try to do that when I go out, and trust me, it doesn't mean that I spend more, because some say "allright now that you have money you are gonna spend them, if you don't have, you can't spend" but NOPE! It doesn't work like that! When I have them in my pocket, I tend to be way more relaxed and picky and it's way less likely for me to spend that money or to get in a bad mood, than when I wouldn't have any... cause then I would start craving for things that I don't need, and I would go home and grab money and come back to buy, or even worse, I would borrow from someone!! Or even worse, I would get in the worst mood complainig that I need this and that and I don't have money to buy it - therefore getting the loest vibrational thoughts! It's like going into a food store with an empty stomach! You start eating even things that are not good for you, only because you see them and you are hungry! When you have eaten before goin out (have enough money in your pocket) then you can pick only what is good for you and take them home to cook or put them in your fridge!
Allright, I have been rambling enough on this topic, but it's because it is something that I know well about!
Good luck and lots of money to everyone!

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