Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Present Is All We Have

The present moment's all we own
All that we need to us is shown
Right here, right now, it's all a gift
For us to find a way to shift
Our lives from future and from past
Back to the present, and at last
We'll find the peace we're craving for
'Cause now there is no need for war.
If we accept whatever is
And stay in peace and mind our biz
Miracles happen, and we'll be
Joyful and peaceful, 'cause, you see - 
When you don't let your ego-mind
Wander like crazy, get you blind
You start to see the real world
That is all made by our God
With purpose only, nothing's vain
Nothing's for nothing, but your brain,
When you don't order it to stop,
Will try to make you think it's crap!
You have to only use your mind
To help you do things that are kind
For you and for whoever else
Don't let it turn you to a mess!
So, breathe right now, deep, long and good
Just think of breathing, and you should
Feel how your mind is getting mute
Just meditate, get back to root
To present moment, to your soul
Feel peace inside you, you are whole
The way you are RIGHT NOW - no need
For nothing else, you are indeed
A miracle and God-like thing
You're made of energy, you sing
A perfect song, just don't destroy
Your holly spirit and your joy
With noise from ego, from the time
Past, future - nothing makes you rhyme
More than THIS moment, so just feel
Your inner energy, your thrill
In every little  thing you do
Breathe, feel your body, just feel YOU!
Each time you let your thinking drift
Away from here, the joy is missed!!

I think this is a fabulous thing, knowing about this "magic trick", as I like to call it. I am so thankful to Eckhart Tolle for that! I have been living a big part of my life being tormented by thinking... forward and backward, to present and to past, identifying myself with both. And that caused me so much suffering, because when you see yourself as being defined by the past experiences, automatically you get frightened by the future ones. The irony of this is that we can't control any of them! The past is dead and gone, the future is uncertain... so why do we bother? I think it's simply because we are crazy... 
When we concentrate on the present moment and only live in the present (of course, you can make a list of the "to do" things, set your alarms to go off when things need done, lol, otherwise you'll get in trouble...but just do not think of those things too much!). Trust God (who is in you, by the way, as in everything else) that will give you the best inspirations and the best "hints" as to what's to be done for your higher good. And He will, because He always does, only that you can't hear Him because of the horrible noise made by your mind, powered by the Ego. There is no heaven and no hell, the "heaven" that the Bible refers to is the peace inside you, and the "hell" is the torment and the suffering cause by the devil, who is your Ego. Jesus tried to make us see that in many of his teachings, only that people didn't manage to understand, especially because of their egos. The devil doesn't want us to feel good, does he! 
For a long time I had the wrong idea as to what "meditation" is.. I thought it was sitting and thinking long and hard about something. But hell, NO! Meditation is precisely thinking about NOTHING! Not thinking. Giving your mind a break, allowing it to get cleaned of the bad vibrations generated by it with so much thinking about present and future. The mind is a magnificent tool but we have to learn how to use it, and to learn how to not let ourselves be used by it. It's simple, if a thought makes you suffer, means you drifted either to the past, or to the future. Get back in the present. There are no problems right in THIS moment, are they? They only arise when we drift back or forth.
Here's a few techniques to help you stay in the present:
- become consciuos of your breathing, feel how the air is getting in and going out of your lungs, pay attention to this process for a few moments and your mind will calm down. It is recommended to do this as often as you can! (for me finding this out was vital as I was practically getting ill because every time I rush or am stressed, my breathing becomes very fast and shallow and it's like all the air gets stuck somewhere... )
Good breathing has a great power of healing and energy harmonising.
- another thing you can do is shift your attention every day, in any activity that you do or even when you are listening to someone, when you are watching something, to the sensations inside of your body, feel the energy in your hands, in your legs, in your chest, untill you manage to feel your whole inner body as pure energy
- allow every feeling to exist, don't deny any way that you may be feeling, just let the feelings be, try to be the conscious that is witnessing those feelings, because you, as conscience, are way way more than just a body, a mind, some feelings...
This is what meditation is about...of course, is best when you can be alone and do all this, and able to completely relax, but you can very well do it in your everyday life, and the more you practice it, the easier will be for you to do it, and you will see how everything will get so much more serene, at least :) I am at the "serene" stage, they say miracles will happen, but I can't tell you they will, as I didn't get too good at staying in the present moment all the time, so I am not there yet :) But I sure feel alot better than I used to, maybe even that is a miracle :)

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