Sunday, February 24, 2013


If you feel always like competing
It gets you tired only thinking!
Is good to be the best and win
But if you need that, to be seen
It's bad already, 'cause in life
You'll fail at times, it's like a knife
That has 2 blades:
One is the win
And there's the fail, always has been!
Just learn that each of us is good
At something, and when in the mood
And set on it
You can move seas
But if it's over, it's unease!
The main concern should be for you
To always do what you wann' do
And what you love!
No pride involved,
No ego, and no other word!
Just feel the love for what you're up to
And life will be the best, it has to!
Always competing gets you ill
And you will loose your love, your thrill!
There's just one you, you're like noone
Noone is like you, you're a sun!
Each person is, has light inside
And should let all of it shine bright!
Noone is  better as a whole
Or worse in life, it's about soul!
So be yourself! And good or bad
Is just a thinking, and is mad!
You are no word, you are no tag
You are unique, so please, don't brag!

Sooo. All my life untill a while ago, I was convinced that I was born to compete. Even worse, I was convinced life was all about fighting against others, fighting to be the best, otherwise you just stop existing! My parents, actually my grandmother, cause she and grandpa raised me because my parents were working and had no time, taught me that I HAD to be the best in my classroom, otherwise "your mom will be ashamed" (that's what my grandma was telling me a few times a day) or that, "everyone will laugh at you" and so on. I cringe only when I remember! What incredibly bad ideas to live upon!!! What does this mean, then, that if I was the best, and fighting my ass off to stay the best, all the others were failures? Noones? Nothings? Even if I was not a mean child, (actually, I was very shy and introverted), I somehow felt above the others and better than them, because I could have all the good grades and be the "class chief" and so on. Even if I was, on the other hand, feeling very sperated and put aside because of all that. At times I was crying because I wanted so much to be careless and free like all the other children, to be allowed to stay out as long as they did, to go wherever they did, and to know all of the games they knew because they were spending more time together instead of staying home and learning for school. I felt so left out.
Don't get me wrong, I am not mad (anymore!) at my folks for raising me like this (although I have been for a long time), I know now that they did what they could and that's all they could, with the brain they had at that time and with their own background... but this was so very wrong for me. I am glad I've been through all this though, so I know now how to raise my kid, at least from this point of view!
Later, while after I had rebelled against them and left home (I maybe will post about this sometimes too), I kept living in the same way, I felt the need to be the best, the best looking in my group of friends, the happiest, the most smiling, the most careless, the best dancer, the one to have the best job and earn the most money, the best in my job and so on. And all this almost killed me. Because it is great to be the best, especially when it does not take too much effort for you to do that and you realise that you can do easy some things that others can't, even when striving, but after a while, especially when you are not 20 years old anymore... there will be others that are just like you or maybe better at all that, and younger and with more energy, and you, if you only see yourself as your success... realise that you start crumbling, as a person. Because the image of yourself that you build for you and for the others was that of a success (that brought lots of envy too), not the one of a real person with good and bad sides. So you start to suffer. And start to fight as hard as you can to stay the best. You ignore important parts of yourself and your life for that. But you can't anymore, so you become desperate. And as no success comes from desperation, you get even lower. You start hating the things you once loved. You start hating yourself, you start feeling ugly and old and ignored and all the bad things. All of that because all you knew was that you only deserve to be loved for the things you DO. Loved by YOURSELF and THE OTHERS only for the things that you DO, not for what you ARE. And that lead me to depression. I was feeling useless, hopeless, beyond tired, worthless and bad from all points of view. Besides, the persons that knew me as successful and happy and full of life and were envious all of this time, now started to say things like "see, you were not invincible after all".... or "see, you shouldn't have bragged, cause you are not all that, after all" (even if I dont think I ever bragged...). And what hurt most was that these persons were from my family (extended family), but people I thought they were good to me and nice and real friends! Apparently you can't have any real friend when you are only an image, a picture ... a perfect picture worth a million bucks, but not a real person. And according to the Law of Attraction, if you think you only worth what you can do, you will attract people that think the same way and see you exactly like that. Only a DO'er!
I am glad that my husband was not one of those persons, otherwise I don't know where I'd be today... He didn't help me too much but he didn't put me down either. He did try his best to help me, but not everyone can help a person in such a situation, I think you need to really be a shrink for that ...
So, as I was struggeling like that, having ups and downs, times when I was getting back on top and times when I was getting sick of tireness and bad thoughts, I was lucky one more time, because I got pregnant and had my baby. And he fixed my life big time! How? By not even allowing me to THINK about being able to compete in my job and life anymore! LOL Brutal but amazing! I remember a smart woman once saying "a baby puts your life in amazing order" and she was so right! Besides, having a baby, becoming a mama, gave me some sense of value (not as much as it should, as I was broken from that point of view) but enough to help me go by at that time... kind of.
There were bad times again, because, as I was prone to this, I had times when I felt I was not a good mother, and there were enough people around me who tried to make me think that (same people that were all for loving someone when they continually DID things for them, never for just existing), and so on...but that will make the topic for another blog post. I feel sorry for these people actually, because it is clear to me that they are unhappy and they don't love themselves either. But is not my problem, really!
Basically, after quite a while and after reading all my books, Louise Hay, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle and so on, I finally managed to start loving myself as I am, allowing myself to be imperfect, I realised that I am actually worth loving and that I am not a bad person at all (we are ALL good, basically, only the EGO makes us bad), and I can't even begin to tell you what a relief that was for me. I even got rid of my annoying acne that I've been fighting with for years! In Louise Hay's book "You Can Heal Your Life" there is a part where she says that acne is caused at times (most often) because you don't love yourself as you are. And in my case she was so right on the! :)
So, that is the conclusion, parents, please don't make your children grow thinking their only worth is that of what they achieve, and that they always have to be better than others. A child has to be comfortable with being who he is, has to KNOW that he is being loved even when he fails at something, as long as he tried to do it right, he doesn't have to fear that he or she won't be loved/accepted anymore if he/she fails at something or doesn't have this or that talent, skill or beauty or who knows what else. Cause it will cause big big problems for them later in life, like it caused me.
Compete for the pleasure of participating, but never think you are a looser if you don't win! There's no such thing as "loosers". We are all here with a purpose, we are all here to help each other and to understand that we are basically the same, there is no comparison, because we are all basically soul and conscience wrapped up in human form, and the form will eventually be gone, so isn't it stupid to torment your soul for something that won't last anyways? We are souls that have been forever and will be forever, we should not be condemned by our egos to suffer in this life and in any life whatsoever!
I should stop before I start saying nonsense :)
Peace and wisdom to all!


  1. What you say makes perfect sense, we should all stop our hectic lives for a minute and learn to accept and love ourselves as we are. Brilliant post, I hope to have the chance to read more on the subject. Thanks for sharing and being an inspiration for all of us, self conscious people out here. Peace and wisdom to you too!


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