Friday, February 22, 2013

Learn To Love

When someone loves you very much
You have to think at things as such
That person won't depend on you
They have to learn to let love through
They shouldn't keep it all inside
Love has to flow, to come and go
Or it will rot inside the soul!
And when I say to "come and go"
I mean it has to always flow
Only like that it stays a river
And doesn't cause pain to your liver! :)
Teach them to love themselves as well
And learn to feel it and to tell
Never to keep it all inside
Because noone can use the pride!
The love is in each one of us
And has to be let out, it MUST!
Love! Without hoping to get back
More love, 'cause then will be a lack
Love just to love, 'cause it feels good
And not by thinking and by mood!

This little poem was inspired by my readings lately, where it said that love has to go through you, it has to be let out, so it can return back to you, by the Law of Attraction. In "A New Earth", Eckhart Tolle was telling us that the real kind of love is the unconditional love, the love for love, not for benefits. We have to love the others without waiting for love in return, that is the only way for us to be happy! Otherwise we are only prone to disappointment and frustrations and hurt. Because we can't rely on any other person for our own happiness, although that is what most of us does when in a relationship. We love and expect love back! You SHOULD expect love back, but not from a person, I don't know how to make myself understood here, is a bit more complicated, and I hope I understood it right. When we EXPECT things, they are supposed to come to us, but we have to expect them like... like a believer, knowing that love is our divine right, not like... "I love yo so much and you dont love me back as much... then you suck and I suffer!" lol. We don't have to NEED and DEPEND our happiness on them!! Hope this was more clear. Love unconditionally and expect love back from the Universe, from God, not from a certain person that happens to be your romantic interest (and then you are most likely to get it from them too!). I have made that mistake and I suffered so much, I still am not 100% good at unconditional love, I still need him to love me back and to act the way I want him to, but I am thankful for still having him nearby me and I am working at this! I, at times, wonder how come that I did not manage to scare the heck out of him with all of my fits! 
So that is what I wanna let you know, love for YOURSELVES, because that is what we are supposed to do as BEINGS, we are made of love and only the mind and the ego separates us from the real purpose of our existence, which is loving ourselves and the others, and everything else, because we are basically the same, we all have the same thing isnide us, the essence of the Universe, the Conscience, or the Soul, if you may. These words would have seemed nonsense for me a while ago, but going through the tough times that I have been through, kind of rubbed off the EGO shell and allowed me to use my intuitive intelligence more, and I am very thankful for that!
So, people, LOVE!
Love yourselves,
Love everything, because ALL has a reason, all is to your good!

Peace and love to all!

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