Monday, February 25, 2013

When things are scary

When things are scary all around
Just keep your feet down on the ground
Don't think too much about what's bad
Try keep things quiet in your head
Feel all the energy inside you
The inner body, the life in you
Be here and now, but without judging
Or calling things by names, no tagging!
Get your attention on your breathing
That's all that matters, only being!
You'll find the space inside of you
That creates all there is, all new!
What happens outside, you should know
Is an illusion, just a show
Is nothing good or bad, it IS!
It all depends on how you please!
And how your mind decides to see
The things for you, so you're not free!
Make peace inside you, stop the fight
Against the present moment's fright!
If you just let it all exist,
Will go right through you, don't get pissed!
As long as you don't act like rocks
But just like water, it all flows
And you will be at peace and well
And torments vanish like a spell!
The more you will resist to things
The more you'll be tied down in strings!
Once you will learn to be at ease
With everything, you have the keys
To happiness and peace and joy
It is all well, life is your toy!

The other day I was waiting outside of a doctor's office to get in for a checkup, because I've had some issues lately that were quite scary for me, and I was getting panicked. I always get highly panicked at the docs, because that's how I was raised, to be afraid of these "monsters". When I was little, I was being told that if I wouldn't eat I would get in the hospital, if I don't get more thick clothes I will be given shots and so on... and well, of course that starting with these ideas, my experiences with doctors, as well as my family's experiences, were not the most pleasant. I only see now that it was all because the Law of Attraction really works! What you believe, what you speak, you attract!
But that's not what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to tell you that sitting there and getting scared, my heart started ponding and that scared me even more because I was at the Cardiologist so it was to my best interest that my heart acted nice so she won't get me to do more checkups and more nasty stuff, as pills and such, lol. So, I was like... OMG what am I gonna do??? So I remembered what I read ... and I tried to just concentrate my attention on the inside of me, and not on anything external, like the clinic hallway, the white robes, my ideas, nothing. I tried feeling my inner body and the energy inside me, I concentrated on breathing, and I just realised all of a sudden that it was nothing as bad as I thought. Thinking, when it causes you to feel pain inside, is bad. Thinking is only good when you wanna do something that leads to a good thing for yourself and others. Temporarily "disconnecting" my thinking process was healing. My heart stopped ponding and I felt safe and "at home". I don't know if this makes sense, you'll have to probably read "A new Earth" or "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle to understand what the hell I am talking about. After this, I could just become present. I was all "here and now" I was seeing things only as they were, without attaching the tag of "scary" to the nurse, the tag of "cold and unwelcoming" to the hallway, the tag of "scared to death by what the doc might say" to myself and so on. I just lived  things as they were. The nurses were just people passing by, the hallway was just a hallway in a building, the doctor was just a person that had gone to a school and was practicing whatever she had learned there, to make a living, and so on. Nothing was a monster anymore. Thank God for that! :)
So practicing the "presence" does work, people!
Only that, what people usually don't pay attention to when reading these books, or maybe some do, I don't know, is that the authors do tell you that it is hard...very hard to keep being present, especially after living for so many years being... drifted away by the thinking! But if you manage to live being present all the time, you are freakin saved! Disconnect your crazy mind, keep it handy only to use in case of need, and just BE, just exist, be aware of everything that happens without seeing it through your own experience! Let it just exist!

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